Monday, September 26, 2011

And I was right.....

Not only did I not LOSE weight over the past 2 weeks, I actually gained. And significantly. According to the scale this morning, I gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. I am so disappointed in myself. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because it's done already, but I am seriously disappointed in myself.

How did I manage to gain 5 pounds in 2 weeks while supposedly on a diet? Very simply. I didn't pay one bit of attention to anything I was eating. I had days when I ate things that were IN NO WAY health. Fried chicken, pizza, cookies, and all sorts of other things that a "good" dieter wouldn't touch. Then I had days where the foods I ate were not really that bad, I just didn't pay attention to my quantity.

So basically, my slip-up is all about quality and quantity of my food. Lack of one and too much of the other. I could also blame it on my lack of tracking. The biggest thing I noticed was that when I stopped tracking my food, it got easier to ignore what I was eating. At first, my lack of tracking was not on purpose. Between my two jobs and social obligations, I just kept forgetting. When my schedule calmed down, I was just out of the habit. So today I am making sure to track everything. I am also going to work on more crafting. Keeping my hands busy keeps the snacking down.

Alright, enough moaning. Let me set a realistic goal this time... I want to lose 3 pounds in the next 2 weeks. I also want to make it to the gym at least 3 days each week. I went to Centergy and Ride on Saturday for the first time in probably 2 months and I am still paying dearly for it. My legs and abs are still sore. That's just proof that I need to get back to work. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


So... I'm really thinking I'm not going to meet that crazy goal I set for myself. I might have even gained weight overall. We shall see in the morning....

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thirty One Point Six!

So, I have been trying to write this update for like 5 days now. But life being what it is, I have had a hard time sitting down with collected thoughts. Just ask my co-blogger, over the weekend my thoughts were spastic at best. I have no real reason for my thoughts being so scattered. I'm blaming a cold and subsequent medications, though. :-D

Anyway, I'm down 31.6 pounds (in case you were confused by the entry title). It's finally starting to sink in that I'm actually losing weight and becoming healthier. A few weeks ago I was able to fit into a dress I haven't worn in almost 3 years, and Friday I comfortably wore a pair of jeans that used to feel like they were cutting me in half. It feels good to know that I am finally making visible progress.

Knowing where I am now weight-wise (218.2) and where I was when I started this blog in January (249.8), I am somewhat dissappointed in my overall health for the past few years. When G and I started dating, I weighed right around 210 lbs. I'm not exactly sure since I hadn't really stepped on a scale 2-3 years at that point. When I joined the gym 2 months later I was 214. I accounted that to the holidays (we started dating in November and I joined the gym in January), and the fact that most of our dates involved going out to dinner. But I was going to the gym now! and I was going to workout! Except that isn't how it happened. Instead, I was paying for a gym membership that I didn't use how I should and I ended up gaining 4o pounds in 2 years. How ridiculous! Now, yes, I can blame it on depression, emotional eating, and other factors, but really... 40 pounds in 2 years? What was I doing? Nothing.

I'm not trying to beat myself up about anything. It's just kind of interesting to see what carelessness can do to your waistline. It also reminds me how my way of thinking about food has changed. I have learned how to make smarter choices when dining out, and I try to think aobut the overall health benefits of my food when I'm cooking at home. I'm proud of my progress, but I also recognize I have a long way to go.

Ok, this is all philisophical and stuff. I guess I should let you get back to your day. I hope it's a good one! Oh, and for my goal this week... I would like to lose 4 pounds in the next 2 weeks. Here's hoping!