Monday, February 21, 2011


Ok, let me start by apologizing for being such a lazy blogger. I have had multiple times when I really did mean to come and blog. But the weather has been GORGEOUS lately so... yeah. It came down to staying inside and typing up a blog or finding something else to do. But it's been 2 weeks since my last post, so it's time for another check in. I am down to 240.4! While this is up from a previous check-in, it is down from my last one! Down about 3 pounds if I'm not mistaken. It's a loss, so I'll take it!

The past 2 weeks have not been super dedicated to the cause. Well, I take that back. I've been to the gym every day except Sunday both weeks. I just haven't really been eating the way I should. Partly because my house has been stocked with not-so-great foods since after the Superbowl, and partly because I'm broke and can't afford to restock the fridge with healthy goodies. Buuuuut, I'm supposed to get my tax refund back this week, which will help me catch up while I wait on my paychecks to start coming in. I'm going to use that to stock up on some healthier options again. With this gorgeous weather, I'm itching to start grilling again. I need to get some charcoal first though. Yes, we have an indoor grill, but it's not the same!

Ok, now for the HELP! I'm having trouble staying motivated on my cardio workouts. I get on the treadmill and after about 15 minutes I am so bored I have to get off and do something else. I've tried moving to other things like the elliptical and arc trainers... I've tried magazines, new music, audiobooks, and watching the TVs at the gym, but I just can't seem to stay engaged in any of them long enough to stick with my cardio for longer than 15 minutes. Needless to say, this is throwing a serious kink in my 5k training. I know I could run outside and such, but the weather is still unpredictable so I'd like some indoor suggestions if anyone has them.

Alright, I guess I better get back to work. I'll try to be better about posting!

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