Monday, August 29, 2011

Well Then: or Yes Then No

So, yay! When I weighed myself Friday morning, I was down to 219.8. That means I had lost exactly 30 pounds. Whoo hoo!!! Except that then I went to a burial service (for a wonderful lady who will be missed very much) and in true southern fashion we ate afterwards. Fried chicken, mac and cheese, corn bread, pasta salad.... Are you seeing any vegetables? And then of course there were cookies, cakes, and brownies. Yeah.... Then to make matters even better, I took Tony to a roller derby that night and we split a chicken tenders basket and a popcorn. At that point I was just too tired to care.

So when I woke up this morning and weighed myself, I was at 220.4. I gained back 0.6 lb over the weekend. Not good, but I've already done my damage. Now to start again. That's the wonderful thing about this time around. I'm not going to give up because I didn't make my goal. It's life. I mess up, and then I try again. And I can only be so upset. My pants are practically falling off. And I was able to fit into a dress that I haven't worn in almost 3 years. Obviously I'm doing something right, even if I get a few things wrong.

Ok... I need to get off here and do... something! I hope you have a good week!
- Jen

Monday, August 22, 2011

On my way

So today's weigh in was 220.4. I forgot to take a picture, but I promise that's what it said lol. So I lost 1.8 pounds in a week. Not bad. I'm only 0.6 away from losing 30 pounds! I'm really happy with that. I need to lose 2.2 this week to reach my goal. But I'm on my way to my goal.

I picked up a new cookbook the other day. I haven't been able to try any of the recipes, but they look delicious. It's not just recipes, but it's also got a brief narrative about how she got to the point of where she needed to live like this, and in turn write the cookbook. I like those. Don't just tell me I need to lose weight. I know that or I wouldn't have picked up your darn book! Tell me why I should listen to your version of why I should lose weight. Which she did, because I bought the book. :-)

This of course reminds me that I haven't uploaded a new recipe to the recipe blog in forever. I need to get on that. I've had a couple of good, low-cal recipes lately. I'll just need to sit down and decide what I want to put out there. Unfortunately, finding the time to do so is probably going to be a challenge. Eh, enough excuses, I'll find the time. Just for you!

Alright, I need to go find something to eat and then run errands before work. Have a good week!
- J

Friday, August 19, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho

It's off to work I go... There are several pros and cons to working multiple jobs. The biggest con I am feeling is the fact that I really want a nap. The biggest pro I am noticing is the fact that it cuts down on my boredom snacking! I would say my bank account, but I haven't drawn a check from the second job yet. Soon. :-)

It's been a good week so far. I'm working a lot (as I said). I haven't made it to the gym though. :-( One of the guys from my spin class came into the pet store last night. That made me miss the class even more. I'm hoping I'll be able to go to class this coming Tuesday. I'm sure my legs and rear are going to love me, but that my fault for missing class. Of course, I didn't do it on purpose, but whatever. I neeeeeed to start strength training again. Haven't I said that recently? I actually have the stuff at home, so not making it to the gym is not actually an excuse. I'm lame, I know. But tomorrow I'm working stock, so that will definitely count as my strength training for tomorrow.

Hmm, not much else in the health department. I'm just working towards my goal. I'm hoping I can make it with my lack of training the past few days. I think I'm making pretty good progress. I've been watching what I'm eating, and at least I move around a lot at the store. Maybe I'll try to do some reps of something between school and the store today... we'll see. I'm not making promises knowing what's in store for me tomorrow morning lol.

I'm looking forward to moving down the next level. The last time I weighed less than 220 was when Greg and I first started dating, almost 3 years ago. And I'm sure I was less than 200 when we met over 4 years ago. That was back when I was a restaurant manager and spent 8 hour shifts walking the dinning room or running through the kitchen. I was miserable in that job, but I was definitely healthier!

Alright, I guess I've rambled enough for today. I'll check in again on Monday if not before!
- J

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Splurges and Consequences

So I gained half a pound since I last posted a weight. I know exactly why, it's not that hard to figure out. Last night we may or may not have gone out to the Olive's never ending pasta bowl and while I only had one bowl and a bite of the second bowl I still had a breadstick and salad and a glass of wine. I thoroughly enjoyed the meal but lets face it, it was probably equivalent to an entire day of calories. But you know what, things like this are OK, so I set myself back I understand what I did and I understand what I need to do. Sometimes you need a little comfort food ;).

That being said, I am nearly into the 170's I would LIKE to get to 179 in the next two weeks. I'll be braving the mosquitos and heat this week to make it happen!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Busy Monday

So I missed my weigh in this morning.
I will try to get it on Thursday my next day off. I'm waiting for then because my normal weigh in time is around 8/9 in the morning. I'll be opening the next two days so I'll be at work by 7:30.

I did make a delicious meal tonight. Loaded baked potato soup with lite sour cream, small amount of milk, Turkey Bacon and baked potatoes. We had little Ham and cheese sliders to go along. Delicious.

Until Thursday!

Happy Dance

Slow and steady wins the race. Or at least achieves the goals. Look what I woke up to!
Please ignore my nails and the fact that I need to sweep the floor. I don't even remember the last time I posted a picture of my scale... But look! All 2s! That does amuse me a little. Plus the fact that it's the same upside down (except for the decimal). So, let's see... 249.8 - 222.2 = 27.6 pounds lost! And if I keep happy dancing, it will be 28 before the end of the day! lol

I'm also happy to say that I'm starting to notice the change in my clothing. My shirts were a little loose before, but my pants were still the same size. The other day I noticed that my pants are starting to fit a little looser, too. Finally!

This progress has encouraged me to set a goal for the first time in months. Seeing as I am 2.4 pounds away from the be 3-0, I'm going for it. My goal is to lose 4 pounds in the next 2 weeks. I'm tempted to try to get down to 219.8 by next Monday, but I know what my week ahead looks like and I'm not sure I could do it. Plus 3 pounds in 1 week is not really healthy (or reasonable). So anyway, that's my goal. Do you hear me, Ms. T? Do you have a goal, too, perhaps??? No pressure or anything.
- Jen

Friday, August 12, 2011

Early Morning Blogging

Although, I guess I could say that it's late night blogging since I have yet to go to sleep. I can't get comfortable. I haven't been feeling too great for the past few days and right now I think I'm running a bit of a fever. It's not horrible, but I feel like I'm just radiating heat. I have an ice pack on my neck and its helping a bit. Anyway, enough whining about my silly little illness.

So, I am pleased to announce that I am finally down over 25 pounds! I'm down 26 pounds in fact. I think that being at work, on my feet and running around for 4-6 hours a day has helped. I love my job. I especially love it if it's helping me continue with my weight loss! Saturday I worked stock from 6-11, so basically I spent 3 hours moving 20-40lb bags of pet food and cat litter, and the other 2 hours putting up overstock. It was quite a workout! I have to do it again next Saturday. At least I know I'll get one decent workout in next week!

My eating habits have not been what they should have been lately. I have been eating what's easy instead of what's healthy which I don't really like. Actually, that may be part of why I got sick. I don't remember the last time I had a decent serving of vegetables. Bad, diet blogger. Ok, now that I've admitted my problem, I need to work on it.

Alright... I think I'm starting to cool off a bit. Maybe I can get some sleep now. I hope so anyway. I promise I'll try to blog again, and better, soon.
- Jen

Monday, August 8, 2011

hot hot hot!

I shaved my legs for this blog.

No really, I just hopped in the shower, shaved the necessary parts and came back to the computer to write my blog.

Ok, so this is how it really went down.
"Oh, It's Monday, I better blog before Jen kills me over the interwebs."
*sits down to blog*
"I should probably weigh myself, too."
*heads to the bathroom*
"Man, it's hot, I need to put on a dress; I should probably shave my legs so I don't look like a Sasquatch running around the house."
*hops in shower*......*weighs self*
"Much better, now it's time to blog"

And you have my thought process on why I felt it necessary to shave before I sat down to blog. Totally unnecessary. Totally worth it.
Why is it so hot, you may ask. Or you might not ask because you already know or just don't care. Our AC is broken. We're waiting on the repairman to come out this afternoon. It broke on Friday. It has been a sweltering 94 degrees in the house over the weekend. I spent one night here and that was enough so we hightailed it over to our friend's house for the last two days. We're back and I'm dying. Hence the need to put on less clothing which meant shaving. and I feel like I'm talking in circles. Blah!

On to the goods!
Hopped on the scale and I am down to 185.4. Woot woot! That brings me to a total of 26.4 lbs lost since the journey began!
Please ignore the horrible pedicure. It's pathetic, I know
Yay! And here's a picture of me, down 26.4 lbs!

185.4 lbs =D 
Oh, and I bought a real bike...not a stationary one, although I'd like one of those too! It's a really intense whole body workout!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Operation Lazarus

I know! It's been like 3 weeks since my last post! I promise, I did not leave you all hanging on purpose. I have been sans laptop for about a month, and sharing the desktop was not conducive to my blogging. But thanks to my awesome friend Brad my laptop is back from the dead. And it's even better than ever! :-D

Anyway, the past month or so has been... a struggle. My eating habits went to pot and my working out was eh to say the least. I have to say, it is very difficult to eat healthy when you're broke. The cheap stuff is soooooo unhealthy! Not that you didn't know that, but still. But, I'm happy to report that I'm down another 2 pounds! That brings my current loss to 24.2 lbs. Whoo hoo!

I'm also happy to report that I am now employed. I recently started working at a local PetSmart. I've only been there a week, but I like it so far. My co-workers are nice and my job is pretty fun. I primarily work with the small pets (fish, reptiles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.) which means lots of running around. Hello, skinny jeans! Also, I will pass the gym on my way to and from work, so hopefully that will encourage me to go work out before/after work. We'll see. I haven't done a decent strength training session in what feels like months.

Well, I guess that's enough updating for now. Hope you have a good week!
- Jen